Celebrate Special Events, Parties & Weddings with
San Diego’s Premier chocolates


Seabreeze specializes in dark bitter-free chocolate and artfully produces single origin chocolate bars, colorful truffles and bonbons, as well as other chocolatey confections all under the watchful and delighted eyes of patrons!

Seabreeze Craft Chocolates partners directly with select distributors and farmer cooperatives through “Direct” and “Transparent” trade to ensure not only that our cacao is of the highest quality prepared to exacting standards but that farmers receive a fair and sustainable price.

Premium Gift boxes available to fit 2, 4, 6, 9, 16, 20, and 25 bonbon and truffles. Packaging and bonbon/truffle color and designs can be customized to match the event’s decor!

With over 100 Flavors, the options are endless!

With over 100 Flavors, the options are endless!

Bonbon & truffle color and designs can be customized to match the event’s decor.


At Seabreeze, chocolatier Jim Lantry joins the burgeoning craft chocolate movement, a movement that aims to partner directly with cacao farmers to produce the finest chocolates.

Jim is proud that there is only one person on the supply chain between himself and the farmer. This ensures transparency in the process, sustainability, and provides both a source of quality cacao processed in a meticulous manner as well as fair compensation to the farmer and their workers.

The boutique and factory are located at
840 Valley Centre Dr., Suite 604, San Diego, CA 92130

Questions? Ready to Order?

Connect with Jim at jlantry@seabreezechocolates.com or 858.792.4750 to place your order.